Eco-friendly products made from rabbit fur.
An outstanding rabbit, the animal is distributed under the name “Rex du Poitou” for its meat and “Orylag” for its fur.
The ethics of Orylag breeders are an organisation, products that are part of a sustainable, responsible, innovative, respectful approach to man, animal and the environment.
To pay tribute to their animals, the farmers commit not only to work every day for animal welfare but also to make optimum use of each of the valuable resources obtained from the king amongst rabbits, in other words, its meat, skin and hair. Combatting waste is in line with the breeders’ view of nature, that it is a precious asset which provokes a sense of wonder and requires the utmost care. Our industry cultivates excellence with passion and favours the animal breeder relationship in a human-sized breeding to promote excellent observation and personalized monitoring.
It is a responsible breeding where the whole animal is valued:
– Its meat (Rex du Poitou®) is available in local producers’ stores, on the pourdebon website and used by French Chefs.
– Its skin of incomparable quality is used by our customers (Orylag) and for the manufacture of our collections of plush toys and accessories.
Combatting waste is in line with the breeders’ view of nature, that it is a precious asset which provokes a sense of wonder and requires the utmost care.